Sustainability Strategy
As a daughter company of the REWE Group, we are not only committed to the REWE Group Sustainability Strategy but are also a key actor in implementing the Group’s sustainability goals on the ground. Moreover, as a sourcing organization, the products are at the center of our work and we are eager to continuously look for means to further improve both the social and environmental sustainability of the products we are procuring. Subsequently, sustainability is an essential criterion of our procurement process, which is in line with REWE Group’s Guideline for Sustainable Business Practices and builds the foundation of all our activities. Our business partners are not only evaluated in terms of price, quality and performance but also in terms of sustainability. We strongly believe in continuous improvement, but if suppliers and their producers are not committed to our sustainability requirements, we cannot engage in a business relationship with them. However, if potential suppliers do not fully comply with our requirements yet, but show commitment to improve them and to become more sustainable, we will support them in doing so.
Overall, to achieve our sustainability goals, we continuously work on further integrating our sustainability requirements into our procurement process. Hence, we analyse both our risks and opportunities, train our staff on sustainability and report on our activities and progress. This allows us to create the necessary awareness within our company, which builds the foundation of a successful collaboration with our sourcing colleagues who are crucial in driving the necessary changes on the ground. Simultaneously, we also participate in external multi-stakeholder meetings, collaborate and implement projects together with other companies and stakeholders to increase our impact and facilitate sustainable improvement. We are also actively supporting the development and improvement of standards and certification schemes by participating in various working groups. Finally, however, our main focus remains on our suppliers and their producers, in order to better understand their challenges, raise their awareness through trainings and various capacity building projects to support them on their journey to improve both their social as well as environmental performance.
The following is a link to Sustainability requirements for Non Food Suppliers: